Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

Dental oral surgery is a common procedure performed at DentaVac.

Our team of dental surgeons are trained to perform many types of procedures that include implant placement, wisdom tooth extraction, bone graft, sinus lift & bone graft, crown enlargement surgery, implant All on 4 or 6 technique and much more. Our dental surgeons were trained in the USA, Colombia, Costa Rica and others countries.

All of our procedures, follow the same ADA standards of sterilization as dental clinics in the USA to promote safety and quality of care.

Feel free to call us to discuss with one of our dentist your individual dental needs or concerns. We are always willing to assist you any way we can.

Before After

Contact Details

US (833) 887-1006


San José, Escazú, Costa Rica

Email Us

Tooth X-ray illustration for dental procedures.

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